header photography credit: Twila Barnette
JULY 25th & 26th, 2025
Teams will compete in two long rounds, a 4-man stray gather format, where they will rope and tie down two head per round. 10 teams will make it back to the short round on Saturday evening, where teams will then compete in a 4-event ranch rodeo consisting of: team sorting, calf branding, trailer loading, and cow milking.
**the rules listed below are to give a general sense of each event, rules may be clarified/changed between now and event. official Rules packets will be sent to entered teams after entries and money are received.**
2 yearlings
Catch as catch can
Rope & tie 2 or 3 legs
Time stops after 2nd yearling is tied and clear of ropes
Both animals must stay tied for 6 seconds after time stops
2-minute time limit
3 loop limit on each animal, 6 total loops per team/run
Top 10 fastest teams after 2 rounds will move on to the short round.
Ties for 10th place to advance will be broken by fastest overall time in long rounds.
One team member at a time rides into the herd
No loping in the herd
Sort designated three head out and pen at opposite end of the arena
Time stops when all three head are penned and gate is closed
No more than three extras cross the line
Any extras must be back across the line before time
stops2-minute time limit
Two teams will run at a time
1 roper per team
Calves may be headed or heeled
Left rib brand will be placed on each calf
Time stops when 2 head have been roped, branded and irons are back in the pot
2-minute time limit
Two teams will run at a time
Teams will rope 2 head (legal head catch), and
load in trailerTime stops when gate is shut
2-minute time limit
All 4 team members must be mounted to start
The cow’s head must pass through the loop for it to be a legal catch, 2 loop limit
Cow must be standing to be milked
Rope must be off before time will stop
Milk must drip from the bottle to receive a time
2-minute time limit
Points will be awarded in each event.
These points will be given as follows: the winning team will receive the same number of points equal to the number of competing ranches. Example: Ten competing teams will result in first place receiving ten points and tenth place receiving one point.
The team with the most points is the winner.
In case of a tie in the overall team standings, the resolution of the tie will be as follows:
( 1 - Most points in milking, 2 - Most points in branding, 3 - Most points in trailer loading, 4 - Most points in sorting)
Contestant Rules of Conduct
Anyone entering the arena shall be wearing cowboy attire (long pants, long-sleeved shirt, boots, cowboy hat)
Treat the livestock like you own them. Abuse of either personal animals or event animals (kicking, whipping, tripping, gouging of eyes, or any action which is totally unnecessary) is strictly prohibited and will result in being flagged out, at the judge’s discretion.
No bitchin’ or unsportsmanlike conduct. Leave the judges alone.
Please exercise haste when entering and leaving the arena, as there are a lot of teams to get through each day and time is of the essence.