header photography credit: Twila Barnette
JULY 25th & 26th, 2025
Ranch Rodeo
You can enter twice. Only one person from your first team can be on your second team with you.
There are 49 covered stalls available on a reservation basis. Please reserve them using the form on the ‘stalling’ page. The stalls will cost $20 per night.
There will also be around 40 outside pens set up on the north and east perimeters of the fairgrounds for use on a first come, first serve basis.
Please be prepared to picket or pen your horse using your own pens, if that’s your preference or if neither of the other options are still available.
Entries will only be accepted through the entries tab on our website. Please let us know if you experience any issues entering.
All entries will be completed and paid for via the web. You will need to add entries to your cart and pay for them in total through the checkout process.
If you are traveling over state lines, be sure to have all your horse papers in order, including brand inspection, Coggins, and health inspection.
Dry camping is welcome and encouraged. Please ensure horses are penned/picketed properly.
There are no hookups available.
Please visit the ‘Lodging’ page for more information about the many hotels and campgrounds available in the area.
Vendors / Food Trucks
There are approximately 36 indoor 10’ x 10’ vendor spaces available. Prices are $150/space. Multiple spaces can be reserved for the same fee for a larger space.
Additionally, there outdoor spaces available where you may set up wall tents, or if you have your own trailer, that can be accommodated. Prices for outdoor vendors is $100/space for a 10’ x' 10’ area. Additional space may be reserved for the same rate, for each additional 100 square feet.
Food vendors will not be reserved on a square footage basis. Rates are $300 for the two available 50 Amp hookups. The rate for other food vendors is $100.
Vendors will be fully responsible for providing anything they require to fill their space and showcase their wares, as well as completing business transactions. This includes, tents, tables, displays, power cords, etc.
There are outlets disbursed around the perimeter of the indoor trade show area. Booths located in the inner aisle that need electricity will be able to utilize those outlets, given that they have extension cords to reach their booth. As we assign booth locations, we will notify you of where you’ll be placed, so that you can be prepared.
Outdoor vendors may utilize a generator for their booth but must place the generator 50 feet from your booth, to be considerate of the other booths near you.
For food vendors, there will be two 50 Amp hookups available, on a first come, first serve basis. Once reserved, all other food vendors must be prepared to complete business using their own generator. Please visit with us to see if there are 50 Amp hookups still available before mailing agreement and payment to us.
The ranch rodeo event will begin first thing Friday morning, July 25th, and will run until Saturday evening. Vendors will need to be open from 9am to 7 pm on Friday and 8 am to 6 pm on Saturday.
Food vendors are recommended to be open during those same times, but also are welcome to be open at any other times, as there are other events on the schedule outside of those times.
The fairgrounds will be accessible to anyone who would like to arrive and set up on Thursday, July 24th.
The indoor vendors will be located inside a building that will be locked anytime that the trade show isn’t open, so vendors are free to leave their booths erect and on display overnight.
Outdoor vendors will need to secure their space as they see fit overnight and outside of trade show hours, as there is no way for the event to secure your space for you.
Other Event Questions
Lusk is very small but has plenty to do!
Visit the Stagecoach Museum for a glimpse into the local history of Niobrara County:
The Town of Lusk has many fun activities to offer, including:
Tiger Plunge Pool - go take a dip at the pool to cool off and have some fun!
https://townofluskwy.gov/tiger-plunge-poolLusk Municipal Golf Course - just a mile or two out of town, go play a round of golf!
https://townofluskwy.gov/municipal-golf-courseTown Parks - need to burn some energy off some kiddos? There are several different parks in town with playground equipment and more for the kiddos!
https://townofluskwy.gov/parks-department -
Yes! Throw in the kids’ horses and join us for the Niobrara County Fair Gymkhana - a youth event for individuals 17 and under, broken into PeeWee, Junior and Senior age divisions.
Entries will open on July 1st: https://form.jotform.com/250487721968167.